Since the smartphone camera sensor gets better and camera apps add new features to process images, set new and unique ways of surface to set different cameras from the current market. Optical zoom capabilities in an area which can definitely be improved. To understand how limited things are now, consider the market for clips present on the zoom lens which is present now. A new patent filed with the German Patent and Trademark Office shows a new methodology that Zeiss is working to achieve current limitations through the use of a rotating lens system.

About the Patent
Zeiss describes a “small zoom camera” that combines an image sensor, normal fixed lens, and a second lens carrier, which is equipped with several focal length lenses which can be rotated in place. The key to the system is that the rotating lens carrier is too small and slim and can fit within a normal smartphonee Patent. By inserting this extra lens between the main lens and the sensor, the new focal length and zoom level can be used without the specific method of attacking large devices.

Some people have said that Nokia’s successor, JES and partner HMD Global, have recently indicated on the system in the video released that Nokia has been released for fresh support on smartphones. This video shows that Zeiss and Nokia people are being focused on using the phoropter – the tools used by optometrists to set prescriptions for corrective lenses. However, the rotating lens system described in the patent document will work in a similar way.