By understanding some basic critical information at the outset of substantially raise the chances of succeeding. This is not to say that you wont make mistakes are inevitable. You will, however make fewer mistakes if you give thoughful consideration to what is you are attempting to do.

  1. Find Your Passion as an Inventor: If you are serious inventor and do not plan on giving up for the first time ab obstacle is placed in front of you. The act of inventing takes a lot of time so you need to love to make it work. What makes inventing rewarding is the pursuit of success and the challenges. If you are not passionate about your inventionand the field of endevear the likelihood you will succeed very low.
  2. Inventor must become an Expert: The biggest mistake that an inevntor makes is to rush into field of endeveor without really understanding what they are getting into, or to solve a problem in an industry they dont know. A successful inventor will learn everything they can about each aspect of the field, from technology, to the business.
  3. The Goal is simply not to obtain Patent: The invention is not to create an invention that is cool, the goal is not to get a patent the goal is to universally to make money. The cool invention and patent are a means to the end, not to end in and of themselves.  Don’t get so caught up in the creation aspect of inventing that they fail to stop and ask whether they should be investing the time, money and energy into the creation.
  4. Approach Inventing in a Business responsible way: Treat your invention from day one as it will be wildly successful, beacuse by time you realize that this is the invention that will be wildly successful it will be too late unless you have ou have planted the seeks for success early. This means the inventor must be immediate, short-term, intermediate,  and long-term goals in place.
  5. Patent Searches are important: Patent searches are important first step on the road to seeking a patent because they will let you get an idea about what if any right rights you can likely to expect to obtain. If its looks like on;ly extremely narrow patent protection will be availbale it probably make more sense to simply move on to your next invention because the inventor will always have  a next invention. Patent searches are also excellent learning tool because they give opportunity to discover which aspect of your invention are most likely to contribute to patentability.
  6. Importance of Internet Search: having already said that is to critical to remember that a patent search is just that a search of patent and published patent applications. You hire trained professionals to do a patent search but the patent search does not typically include a patent search online. That is generally the responsibility of the inventor. 
  7. License Invention not the Ideas: Without a patent pending you dont have anything to license other than a idea alone you can easily scare a company. Infact, even listening to an idea without tangible boundaries as defined in atleast a provisional patent application can scarce companies to the point where some perhaps many wont want to do it. An invention that has been defined in a provisional patent application is worth more.
  8. Set the Budget: Inventing and commercializing can be extremely expensive, and if you really are an inventor that means you are creative and it is crazy to think that your current invention will be yours last. Infact most inventors have a handful of inventions at any one point in time, so the difficulty they have in picking which one to pursue first. That being the case, and inevitable reality that you might not score with the first invention you choose, you need to set a budget and constantly re-evaluate through the process to make sure that it continues to make sense to pursue the invention. Investing time and money is one big thing but investing one big money and time once the pursuit has been demonstrated to likely not be fruitful is nothing but a disaster. 
  9. Proof of Concept: This is an important step at one time because at one time many things seem to work on paper. While it is true that an invention with a proof of concept will be more valuable than one without such a proof. Evryone typically wants a prototype but that might cost you even ten thousand dollars or dollars that you rush into right prototype firm. You might begin working with an artsist to get an sketch of an invention. After that you might work directly with ana engineer to obtain an 3D engineering design. Moreover if you are thinking about an aprovisional patent application athen you might think about your 3D drawing for applying the provisional patent application.
  10. Estimate the size of the market: There is nothing wrong woth dreaming about the size of the market as it could render tremendous harm if the inventor exaggerate into stretching the size of the market. If you are serious about determining the true size of the market you will research publicly avaliable information and dig through data applying reasonable assertion.