It remains as the act of carelessness of reasoning on ignorance, they spend a lot to remove the watermark and post on their page and saying it happened by mistake, it is funny! Zee network have been telecasting a show called khana khazana and the same program have the page on facebook “Khana khazana” which is now called ZKK. The page is dedicated for food and used to post blogs, recipes, and photos of food items on their page.

Recently, the community of food bloggers found that the photographs found in the facebook page are copied from some other sites. And also found that it has been regularly stealing photos from food bloggers and website for their features

Complained  had been made when photographs of Aparna, Soma, Manisha and Alka, were stolen and featured, and asked Zee Khana Khaza to remove the photographs that belonged to their blogs, ZKK apologized saying this was not stealth and that they were using these images to project a visual appeal of their recipes to their ‘fans’.

For long the food blogging community have been victims of plagiarism by big and small sites, print and electronic media.  The fact that bloggers are individuals and not in a position to defend their content, makes them easy prey for such corporate bodies.

These kinds of activities of ZKK showed rampant copyright infringement. The community of food bloggers decided that it was time for food bloggers, those who were victims and those who were potential victims, to unify and take action.  Many raised their voice against the infringement on the facebook page of ZKK, and reported the page to Facebook also.  Some were cautious enough to take screen shots of the posts as evidence.

keywords: ZKK, food, copyright infringement, “Khana khazana”, Zee network,