How a M.Tech graduate struggled a lot in finding her career in IPR?
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IIPTA Program
Pratibha has completed his B.Tech and M.Tech in Electronics and Communication. After she has done 1 year of IPR training under the Women Scientist Scheme. She is now working in IP Metrics.
Pratibha has done his B.Tech and M.Tech in Electronics and Communication. Campus placements were only for software companies which she didn't want to work for. So, she decided to prepare for government exams. During her preparation she came to know about the Women Scientist Scheme led by the DST (Department of Science and Technology). Then, she filed and cleared both the written exam and the WOC interview. She underwent 1 year of IPR training under the scheme.
Since then she started developing interest in IPR. She also tried to pursue a Ph.D. but that didn’t work for her. She again came back to the IPR field and then she joined IIPTA’s 3 months JOPAT Program through which she was able to get a job in IP Metrics.
During her 3 months course, IIPTA taught her Patent searching, Patentability searching, FTO searching, Invalidity searching, Prior art searching, Patent laws of Indian, US & European jurisdictions, Patent prosecution, Patent forms, Patent infringement, Patent Drafting etc .
She struggled a lot in finding the career of her choice. She thanked IPR for their continuous guidance and support.