Public interest litigation filed against the grant of GI to Tirupati Laddu has been held not maintainable. Madras High Court has dismissed Public interest litigation filed against a petition challenging the patent rights of Tirupathi – Tirumala Lord Venkateswara Temples famous prasatham “Laddu.” While dismissing the petition challenging granting of geographical indication tag to the Tirupa thi “Laddu“, the court held as “not Maintainable” Dismissing a public interest litigation petition, Judges said; however, open to the petitioner to approach the Intellectual Property Appellate Board. The GI bars others marketing the sweetmeat preparation under the same name.The GI certificate for the Tirupati laddu was granted to the Tirumala -Tirupati Devasthanam trust which administers the Venkateswara Temple by the Chennai-based Geographical Indication Registry. In its opposition, the Devasthanam contended that even after registration the aggrieved person could approach the Registrar of GI or the specifically constituted Intellectual Property Appellate Board for removing the GI if it contravened GI of Goods Act. In its counter affidavit, the Assistant Registrar, GI, asserted that the registration had not endangered religious harmony or secular image of the country as alleged by the petitioner. The opposition pointed out that only after being satisfied that the GI was not in conflict with the provisions of the Act it had accepted the application for registration of the laddu. In its opposition, the Devasthanam contended that even after registration the aggrieved person could approach the Registrar of GI or the specifically constituted Intellectual Property Appellate Board for removing the GI ifit contravened GI of Goods Act. In its counter affidavit, the Assistant Registrar, GI, asserted that the registration had not endangered religious harmony or secular image of the country as alleged by the petitioner. The opposition pointed out that only after being satisfied that the GI was not in conflict with the provisions of the Act it had accepted the application for registration of the laddu.

Cow urine composition gets US, China patents. Another patent granted over medicinal value of cow’s urine, patent was granted to CSIR with respect to a composition useful for protecting and/or repairing DNA from oxidative damages. The value of cow’s urine has been emphasized in ancient Indian texts in cogitate the rig veda. Cow’s urine is known to not p34_cowonly have medicinal value but is also used to purify ayurvedic medicines. The patent granted to CSIR claims a composition for preventing and repairing damage to DNA due to oxidation.A composition useful for protecting and/or repairing DNA from oxidativedamages, composition comprising redistilled cow’s urine distillate having components benzoic acid, and hexanoic acid, with ammonia content of the composition ranging between 5-15 mg/L, and optionally along with antioxidants;and a method of protecting and/or repairing DNA from oxidative damages using composition, method comprising steps of estimating the amount of folded DNA in a sample, mixing the composition to the DNA either before or after the exposure of the DNA to the ox datively DNA-damaging agent, and determining percentage folded DNA in the mixture showing protection and/or repair of DNA from oxidative damages.