It’s the dawn of a new trend in the job market. Data scientists are the latest buzz. Big companies can’t get enough of these data scientist to manage their Big data. They are estimated to have the hottest jobs in 2014. You must be wondering, What in the world is Big data?? and Who is a data scientist!
Well Big data is the term used for a collection and analysis of data sets so huge (the numbers we talk about here are in the area of zettabytes, equal to one sextillion, or 10 to the power 21 bytes, or 1 billion terabytes) and brain twisting, that it becomes almost impossible to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications.
The challenges of data analysis include capture, curation, storage, search, sharing, transfer, analysis, and visualization. A data scientist is the doctor in disguise to these terminal problems skilled in the field of data science; he is the perfect blend of analytical skills, math and programming,data science is the study of the generalized extraction of knowledge from data.
Following is a quote on data scientists by Hilary Mason, the chief scientist for the URL shortening service A data scientist must have three key skills. “They can take a data set and model it mathematically and understand the math required building those models; they can actually do that, which means they have the engineering skills…and finally they are someone who can find insights and tell stories from their data. That means asking the right questions, and that is usually the hardest piece.”
The analytics the data scientists develop are used to guide decisions, predict outcomes, and develop a quantitative ROI (Return on Investment) just like Peter Brand in the movie Money ball! If you know what I am saying!
Big data and Patents
Data science is the harmony between the logical side of your left brain and creative side of your right brain. Since it’s not a one-dimensional discipline, data scientists can emerge from just about any field, even from the field of intellectual property (IP). Creations of your mind is your Intellectual property, there are various aspects of IP, of all the aspects of Intellectual property inventions are protected under Patents.
Patents are the crown jewel of a company; it protects its patent rights so fiercely that it won’t step back from going on a patent war with the infringing company. Patents are given such great importance because it boosts a company’s revenue by million and billions as it is a potential financial asset.
For a patent to be granted for your invention, it is an absolutely essential condition that it should be a new invention, something that did not exist before. That which exists before is called “prior art” by patent law. In theory, any information that is publicly accessible is considered as prior art.
Most of the information and data that are generated as a result of Big Data are therefore to be considered as “prior art”. As a result of the exponential growth of Big Data, it is reasonable to conclude that virtually all of Big Data is to be considered as prior art. This has a profound impact on the patent system.
Patent Analysts
In order to decipher the Big data of patents, data scientists should come to the rescue, here patent analysts are the data scientists of IP, the patent analysts are a mixture of the technical knowledge, analytical skills and patent law which is a super cool combination!
The role of a patent analyst is to summarise the content of a patent to produce a clear and concise abstract, identifying key areas of interest, such as what is new and the use and advantages of the invention. The analyst must then classify, code, and index the patent according to the subject area, which enables customers to quickly find patents of interest.
He must chew down volumes of patents from the patent databases and conduct customized searches for the clients like novelty, prior art, patentability, validity, invalidity and freedom to operate searches, he builds Patent portfolios which provide unparalleled insight into a company’s product direction and long-term vision for future developments of the company.
If you need to get a patent for your invention, well you’ll need the expert to handle the situation, to keep up with the constant updates of new patents .Without his positive analytical report you cannot proceed further for drafting and filing your patent application.
The job of a Patent analyst is both irresistibly fascinating and challenging, as you get to know the latest updates in technology; you also need to carefully scrutinize the already existing technology from the latest invention.
If you are a graduate or a postgraduate from any field of science and technology, ambiguous about you future, or if you are interested in patent data analytics, look no further!! We at IIPTA provide hands on training on Patent analysis,under this program participants will be provided with training on professional skills of patent searching tools and techniques.
At the end of program participants will be provided with suitable placement assistance. Patent analysts are employed in various Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPOs) firms, Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) firms, IPR Firms, Law Firms, IT Companies, MNCs with research centres etc and are paid handsome fee.
The entry level annual salary for data analytics professional is Rs 6-9 lakhs while it is Rs 5-8 lakhs for big data professionals. These could be higher depending on experience and skills.
Data science is the ultimate roadmap and candidates who choose to travel it are bound succeed! Online job portals like and too feel that data analytics and cloud computing will be the top picks in 2014.