About Sagacious IP

Sagacious IP provides optimized IP research solutions conducted by experienced and trained techno-legal team that consists of scientists, engineers & patent agents. Sagacious IP helps law firms, corporates, inventors, researchers, inventors & entrepreneurs take significant & informed Intellectual Property in India on the profile of Patent Analyst.

Under this program she learnt about intellectual property rights, patent searching, IPR law’s, prior art search, tools of patent searching and many more. In this training program she also learnt about Trademarks and Copyrights. Under this program she learnt about intellectual property rights, patent searching, IPR law’s, prior art search, tools of patent searching and many more. In this training program she also learnt about Trademarks and Copyrights.

Today she is successfully placed in SagaciousIP, world’s leading IP Firm on the post of Patent Analyst with very good salary package and she is performing well at her job. Rakhi gives most of the credit of her success to her parents and IIPTA team who always remained very supportive. She dream is to fulfill her parents expectations. Here’s wishing her all the very best for her future endeavors.